Hyper-Convergence Delivers Better Mission-Critical Performance

In septiembre 4, 2016

Fuente: Search Converged Infrastructure
Resumen: Cómo la infraestructura hiperconvergente SimpliVity para el Data Center ofrece un mejor desempeño para las aplicaciones de misión crítica.

Over time, virtualization has shown itself to be a great place for mission-critical applications, such as Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server. Many enterprises are also finding that SimpliVity provides a great platform for these virtualized applications. In a survey of its customers, SimpliVity found that 80% are running SQL Server VMs on SimpliVity. In fact, some customers are finding that SimpliVity has allowed them to virtualize SQL Servers that previously needed to remain on physical servers.

For example, one SimpliVity customer had a physical SQL Server for its data warehouse. The 3.4TB database had been tested on the company’s previous virtualization platform and was found to perform poorly. This SQL Server running on its own servers was an exception to the customer’s virtual-first policy. When the customer deployed a SimpliVity platform, they were ready to try again.

The physical server was converted into a VM on the SimpliVity platform, and performed better than the dedicated physical server. The built-in data efficiency enables great storage performance for VMs and great SQL Server performance. SimpliVity’s deduplication and compression don’t just save space, they also improve performance by removing duplicate writes and allowing more data to be held in fast RAM and SSD. But application performance is only one aspect of the SimpliVity value. The same data efficiency is applied to backups and replication.

SimpliVity VM backups do not require any interruption to the application, nor any performance degradation. Unlike VM or storage snapshot-based backups, SimpliVity backups are instant, full backups. With SimpliVity’s policy-driven backups it is easy to have an SQL Server backed up every 15 minutes, all day every day. Like any journaled system, SQL Server can be restored from crash-consistent backups. SimpliVity backups are all VM consistent as the backup policy is applied to the VM, not individual disks. The 3.4TB data warehouse VM can be restored in seconds.

Data efficiency, data protection, and high performance make the SimpliVity platform an ideal place to run SQL Server databases. SimpliVity customers also run other critical applications on their SimpliVity clusters. Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint, as well as Oracle databases, are commonly virtualized on SimpliVity. Most customers also run their main line of business applications on the same platform. One customer even has its 911 call system on SimpliVity.

Artículo completo: Search Converged Infrastructure 

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